M.Sc. Molecular Cell Biology
Program Structure
The two-year master program has a modular structure. The first semester consists of mandatory modules with lectures and seminars about biochemistry, molecular genetics, developmental biology and physiology, molecular cell biology and biophysics and statistics. The mandatory basic course prepares the students for the elective modules in the following semester providing fundamental practical experience of molecular biological techniques.
Next to the elective modules, the second semester includes teacher seminars, where students are introduced into the scientific community in Bonn. In our soft skills course, students learn structured writing of long scientific texts such as master's thesis and they will also learn how to conduct literature research, as well as designing Powerpoint presentations and posters. Furthermore, students will get an insight into current research during journal clubs and the Teachers Seminar.
The praxis-oriented third semester consists of two lab rotations and a project exchange, which also allows students to do an internship outside the university. Furthermore, students practice presentation skills, presenting their own project during the students presentations. In the last semester, students can completely focus on their master thesis.

Elective Modules
In the second semester, students have to sign up for four elective modules. In total, there are 25 elective modules to choose from. A detailed description of each module can be found in the module handbook.
Module handbook
The module handbook provides detailed information about the modules taught during the M.Sc. Molecular Cell Biology program.
Examination Regulations
The examination regulations are available in German and English. Please find the official announcements as well as the current reading version below.
Semester organization
Timetables, current information, forms and an overview about examinations in mandatory modules can be found at the information platform in eCampus.