Universität Bonn



Prof. Haas teaches in full or in part the following courses and lecture series at the University of Bonn:

Bachelor studies in Biology:
  • Practical Courses for all students (summer and winter term), BIO-1 and BIO-14
  • 4-week elective practical course (Wahlpflichtpraktikum) in "Molecular Cell Biology of Membranes" (winter term)
  • Laboratory courses (4 or 6 weeks, year-round)
  • Supervision of Bachelor thesis work
Master studies in Molecular Cell Biology
  • Lectures MCB-P4: „Molecular Cell Biology“ (winter term)
  • Participation in MBC-MBC „Mandatory Basic Course“, Practical course, 1 week (winter term)
  • Elective practical course (Wahlpflichtpraktikum) MBC-EM11 on "Molecular Membrane Biology", 2 weeks (summer term)
  • Laboratory rotation courses (4 weeks, year-round)
  • Supervision of Master thesis work
Master studies in Microbiology
  • Participation in "General and Molecular Microbiology and its methods" – Lecture series 1st semester, reading the part "Cellular Microbiology" (winter term)
  • Elective practical course (Wahlpflichtpraktikum) on "Cellular Microbiology", 3 weeks (winter term)
  • Laboratory rotation courses (4 or 6 weeks, year-round)
  • Supervision of Master thesis work
  • Seminar for co-workers


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Prof. Dr. Albert Haas


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