
Ausgewählte Publikationen

Kimura K, Ooms A, Graf-Riesen K, Kuppusamy M, Unger A, Schuld J, Daerr J, Lother A, Geisen C, Hein L, Takahashi S, Li G, Röll W, Bloch W, van der Ven PFM, Linke WA, Wu SM, Huesgen PF, Höhfeld J, Fürst DO, Fleischmann BK, Hesse M (2021) Overexpression of human BAG3P209L in mice causes restrictive cardiomyopathy. Nat Commun. 2021 Jun 11;12(1):3575

Lövenich L, Dreissen G, Hoffmann C, Konrad J, Springer R, Höhfeld J, Merkel R, Hoffmann B. Strain-induced mechanoresponse depends on cell contractility and BAG3-mediated autophagy. Mol Biol Cell. 2021 Oct 1;32(20):ar9. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E21-05-0254.

Höhfeld J, Benzing T, Bloch W, Fürst DO, Gehlert S, Hesse M, Hoffmann B, Hoppe T, Huesgen PF, Köhn M, Kolanus W, Merkel R, Niessen CM, Pokrzywa W, Rinschen MM, Wachten D, Warscheid B (2021) Maintaining proteostasis under mechanical stress. EMBO Rep. 2021 Aug 4;22(8):e52507. 

Klimek C, Jahnke R, Wördehoff J, Kathage B, Stadel D, Behrends C, Hergovich A, Höhfeld J (2019) The Hippo network kinase STK38 contributes to protein homeostasis by inhibiting BAG3-mediated autophagy. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res 1866: 1556-1566.

Tawo R, Pokrzywa W, Kevei E, Akyuz ME, Balaji V, Adrian S, Höhfeld J*, and Hoppe T* (2017) The ubiquitin ligase CHIP integrates proteostasis and aging by regulation of insulin receptor turnover. Cell 169: 470-482. *shared senior authorship

Kathage B, Gehlert S, Ulbricht A, Lüdecke L, Tapia VE, Orfanos Z, Wenzel D, Bloch W, Volkmer R, Fleischmann BK, Fürst DO, and Höhfeld J (2017) The cochaperone BAG3 coordinates protein synthesis and autophagy under mechanical strain through spatial regulation of mTORC1. Biochim. Biophys. Acta - Mol. Cell Res. 1864, 62-75.

Ulbricht A, Gehlert S, Leciejewski B, Schiffer T, Bloch W, Höhfeld J (2015) Induction and adaptation of chaperone-assisted selective autophagy CASA in response to resistance exercise in human skeletal muscle. Autophagy 11: 538-546.

Ulbricht A, Eppler FJ, Tapia VE, Van Der Ven PFM, Hampe N, Hersch N, Vakeel P, Stadel D, Haas A, Saftig P, Behrends C, Fürst DO, Volkmer R, Hoffmann B, Kolanus W, Höhfeld J (2013) Cellular mechanotransduction relies on tension-induced and chaperone-assisted autophagy. Curr Biol 23: 430–435.

Arndt V, Dick N, Tawo R, Dreiseidler M, Wenzel D, Hesse M, Fürst DO, Saftig P, Saint R, Fleischmann BK, Hoch M, Höhfeld J (2010) Chaperone-Assisted Selective Autophagy Is Essential for Muscle Maintenance. Curr Biol 20: 143–148.

Arndt V, Daniel C, Nastainczyk W, Alberti S, Höhfeld J (2005) BAG-2 acts as an inhibitor of the chaperone-associated ubiquitin ligase CHIP. Mol Biol Cell 16: 5891–5900.

Connell P, Ballinger CA, Jiang J, Wu Y, Thompson LJ, Höhfeld J, Patterson C (2001) The co-chaperone CHIP regulates protein triage decisions mediated by heat-shock proteins. Nat Cell Biol 3: 93–96.

Demand J, Alberti S, Patterson C, Höhfeld J (2001) Cooperation of a ubiquitin domain protein and an E3 ubiquitin ligase during chaperone/proteasome coupling. Curr. Biol. 11: 1569–1577.

Höhfeld J, Jentsch S (1997) GrpE-like regulation of the Hsc70 chaperone by the anti-apoptotic protein BAG-1. EMBO J.16: 6209–6216.

Höhfeld J, Minami Y, Hartl FU (1995) Hip, a novel cochaperone involved in the eukaryotic Hsc70/Hsp40 reaction cycle. Cell 83: 589–598. 


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Prof. Dr. Jörg Höhfeld


Ulrich-Haberland-Str. 61a

53121 Bonn

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